Dear all applicants,
Thank you very much for your interest to apply for Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio_2018-2019 s(k)now, Artist-in-Residence Program. We are pleased to announce the following artists who have been selected. This year, we received 236 applications for the 3 open call programs. The artists will arrive in Japan on January 5th (Sat) and participate in the Artist-in-Residence program till March 5th (Tue), 2019 (60 days).
Finalists /Alvin Luong ( Canada), Sam Treadaway (UK)
Artist in School Program (43 applicants)
Madhu Das (India)
Finalists / McCloud Zicmuse (USA, Belgium) , Michael Smith-Welch (USA)
UCCN Program (42 applicants)
François Lemieux (Tronto / Canada)
Constance & Alexander Hinfray (Linz /Austria)
Finalists / Felippe Moraes (Brazilian/Portuguese)
The final selection has been made by
SHIMABUKU (Artist), Soichiro Mihara (Artist), Takayuki Yamamoto (Artist) and Mami Odai (Director, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio)