2017年02月6日 滞在者紹介
富良野で私設万華鏡学校「ふらび」を主催している三井郁弥さんが滞在中。今回は札幌円山のCafe Esquisseでのイベント「カレイドスコープ展」のため滞在しています。最近は屋外で万華鏡を映し出す万華鏡版プロジェクションマッピングのようなイベントも行っているそうです。
2つと同じ模様が生まれない万華鏡には、脳を活性化させる力があるとか… ぜひCefe Esquisseへ足をお運びください。
Ikuya Mitsui who organizes a kaleidoscope school “Furabi” in Furano, Hokkaido. This time is for an event at Cafe Esquisse in Maruyama, Sapporo. He has been using kaleidoscope to project outside nowadays. It’s like kaleidoscopic projection mapping.
According to him, our brain can get active by kaleidoscope because it never arise same pattern.
2017年02月5日 滞在者紹介
韓国のマルチメディアアーティストGwonが2/10まで天神山に滞在中です。今回は−雪と光のプロジェクト− さっぽろ ユキテラス 2017 への参加作家としての来札です。2~12日まで開催中ですので、ぜひご覧になってみてください。
A multimedia artist Gwon from Korea stays in Tenjin until 2/10. This time is as a participant of SAPPORO YUKI TERRACE 2017. This event will hold until 2/12.
会期|2017年2月4日(土) 〜2月12日(日)
時間|12:00 〜 20:00
2017年02月4日 冬の国際公募プログラム創作活動
プロジェクトへの応募時に「 可能ならば札幌市役所を訪問し、雪を管理する部局の仕事を見たい」と書いていたJeff。
札幌市雪対策室からお借りした、市の雪対策に関するスライドショー(英語版)で事前に予習してから1/26に雪対策室を訪問しました。そこでさらに新しい情報を得て雪対策への理解を深め、 雪堆積場と都心北融雪槽の撮影の許可までいただき、2/2に撮影に行ってきました。ありがとうございました。
Jeff Downer wrote on the application for this program, “I would like to visit,and possibly work along side Sapporo’s City Hall and see what The Snow Management Office does”.
Before visiting The Snow Management Office, he had watched the slide show that tells how Sapporo City Manages the snow. They gave him more and new information when he visited them on Jan 26th,which made him learn a lot.
They even gave him permission of taking photos of the snow disposal spot and the Underground Snow Melting Tank. He took photos of these places on Feb 2nd.
We really appreciated for the kind support of The Snow Management Office of Sapporo. Thank you very much.
2017年02月2日 冬の国際公募プログラム
On 1/28 from 15:00 we held a talk event with invited artists of winter open call AIR project and curator Yukiko Shikata.
After each artists made presentations about past activities and over look of current project, Shikata who is also a judge of this open call commented them. (Please refer over look of each projects to their resident introduction pages)
Though Tenjinyama was deeply snow covered as usual, we had pretty many participants. Suddenly fortunately we got a Spanish interpreter. He was a friend of William’s partner Diana. That was good happening.
2017年01月31日 滞在アーティストと市民の交流企画滞在者紹介
Ekaterina Smirnova stays Tenjin until 2/8. http://www.ekaterina-smirnova.com/ She is New York based artist and deeply inspired by science. She will hold a public talk at Law temperature institute in Hokkaido University on 2/3 and will also at Tenjin on 2/1 from 19:30. During the slide show presentation she will present her latest art projects, including a project inspired by the Rosetta space mission of the European Space Agency. You will have a chance to try augmented reality as well. Don`t miss out!
2017年01月30日 未分類
Co STEPの情報リンク>>プログラム詳細と参加申し込みもここから!
会場:北海道大学 遠友学舎
自然界の音・声、物事の状態や動きなどを音で象徴的に表 した語、オノマトペ。擬音語・擬声語・擬態語などと呼ば れるオノマトペは、同じ現象を文化や言語によって異なる 表現で表しています。今回のワークショップは日韓のオノ マトペがもつ感覚を、参加者が日常の道具を用いて表現す ることで、造形言語と言葉との関係を探ります。
金 景均(デザイナー、韓国芸術総合大学副学長)
朴 炫貞(アーティスト、北海道大学CoSTEP特任助教)
福永 敦 (さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ2016年度国際公募AIRプログラム招聘アーティスト)
12:00-14:30 企画・作品制作
14:30-15:00 講評・まとめ
* 参加年齢制限はございません。子どもから大人まで楽しめるワークショップです。 * 研究プロジェクトの一貫で行うワークショップです。
主催 | 北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 オープンエデュケーションセンター CoSTEP
共催 | さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ
オノマトペはモノやコトに対するあり様や音を表す言語である。 それは文化の壁を超えて頭でも心からでも理解できるものである。アイ ヌのオノマトペをリサーチして作品制作する作家の計画は、北海道で 滞在する意義をもたらし、その活動を通して文化をつなげ、心を結ぶ 役割ができると考えた。言葉の持つ力からの表現、その相違と共有点を 見つめることから見えてくる独自の世界を、楽しみにしている。 (朴 炫貞 [パク ヒョンジョン]、アーティスト、研究者 )
2017年01月29日 滞在アーティストと市民の交流企画
*ヨンチア・チャン Chang Yoong Chia(マレーシア)は、天神山アートスタジオが滞在制作コーディネートを担当しています。
NPO法人S-AIRでは、レジデンスの成果を長期的視野で捉えるべく2nd AIRとして、2008年にJENESYSプログラムによりS-AIRがホストとなって招へいし、札幌で滞在制作を行ったチャンを再び招へい。当時と比べてアーティストとしての立ち位置や作品観にどのような変化が起こったのでしょうか。アーティスト自身の作品紹介とその変化について、また9年を経た札幌の印象についてト・オン・カフェの空間と美味しいお茶を楽しみながら和やかに語りあいます。日本語逐次通訳あり。
聞きて:小田井真美(さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ AIRディレクター)、柴田尚(NPO法人S-AIR代表)
ヨンチア・チャン Chang Yoong Chia(マレーシア)
2017年01月27日 冬の国際公募プログラム未分類滞在者紹介
コロンビアからのWilliam Andres Narvaez Cedeñoが到着して、国際公募招聘アーティスト3人が揃って初めてのプログラム。白老にあるアイヌ民族博物館を訪れました。その他、S-AIR Exchange Programme 2016 冬期招聘アーティスト、ヨンチアのパートナーでキュレーターのミンワ、滞在作家の三角みづ紀さん、さらにマレウレウのマユンキキ(マユンさん)も加わって、スタッフ含めて総勢10人の大所帯となりました!
After a Colombian artist William Andres Narvaez Cedeño just arrived Tenjin finally. This is first program with invited artists all together. We visited AINU MUSEUM in Shiraoi. Invited artists, curator Ming Wah who is Yoong Chia’s partner, a resident Mizuki Misumi, and a member of Marewrew Mayun a.k.a Mayunkiki joined us. Include staff, the party was 10 members!
Marewrew is a vocal group. Their theme of activity is regeneration and tradition of traditional songs of Ainu “Upopo”. Mayun is also a teacher of Ainu language. It’s very lucky for us to be introduced around Ainu Museum by Mayun san who is a memory keeper of Ainu culture. Thank you Mayun!
In Tenjinyama there is not a few artist who intend to do research about Ainu culture. Invited three artists for this winter project are also interested in it from their each interests and were asking various questions. According to William, there are much many 80 languages in Colombia and there is a tribe which has a particular language near his home town Cali. But now is a crisis to those oral traditions. They are about disappearing. Since his interest how those oral traditions will keep surviving, he might be interesting in especially folklores of Ainu.
Fukunaga who does research about Onomatopoeia was asking Mayun various onomatopoeia in Ainu language. We all were impressed that one onomatopoeia “Oroperere” word means hunted bear’s last screaming. He looks like the visual artist while he was asking meanings and distinctions of artifacts of Ainu.
However primitive they were, Mayun answered kindly to every questions from artists who experience Ainu culture for the first time. So she was providing detailed information with us, we all could spend very meaningful time.
Japan, Sapporo, snow, winter, subarctic. Meeting with different culture, getting inspirations, each artist’s research is starting.
Translation: taiga
2017年01月23日 創作活動日常滞在者紹介
参加者は国際公募招聘アーティストのお二人Jeff Downer, 福永敦さん
天神山滞在中のTom Blake, S-AIR Exchange Programme 2016 冬期の招聘アーティストのヨンチアと奥様でキュレーターのミンワ。そしてスタッフの合計8名。
熱心に質問をする福永 敦さん
Now that our “Open Call” AIR (Artist In Residence) project starts, the busiest season has begun for Tenjinyama Art Studio. We have a full schedule of events and activities for the invited artists while the other regular artists keep coming.
Jeff Downer,Atsushi Fukunaga(these two are the invited artists),Tom Blake, Chang Yoong Chia, Ming Wah and staff went to three places below today.
:Hokkaido Museum, Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture Sapporo,
Okurayama Ski Jump Stadium.
At first, we went to the Hokkaido Museum.The Hokkaido Museum has exactly the same theme as our project key words, “Winter, Snow and Subarctic.”
The exhibited objects at Hokkaido Museum show us Ainu culture, the history of Hokkaido, and the life of past and present Hokkaido very well.
Next we went to Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture Sapporo.
They are holding a snow sculpture exhibition until the 21st of Jan.
Those snow sculptures are made by sculptors, artists, and students in Sapporo.
Finally, we went to Okurayama Ski Jump Stadium.
Due to an international competition coming soon, we were not allowed to go to the top of the ski jump, but we enjoyed a great view of winter Sapporo from the bottom of the hill.
2017年01月22日 冬の国際公募プログラム滞在者紹介
As an annual “open call” AIR (Artist In Residence) project, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio invited three international artists to work and do research based in Sapporo/Hokkaido. This year project key word is “Winter, Snow and Subarctic”. Three artists were selected from 113 applicants.
ウィリアムのWebサイトはこちらです。 http://williamnarvaezc.wixsite.com/william-narvaez/instalacion
プロジェクト概要 -William Andres Narvaez Cedeño-
An “open call” invited artist William(right) arrived Tenjin. Left is his partner Diana. From Colombia, South America they took much two days to get here. They will stay until 3/7.
His web site is here http://williamnarvaezc.wixsite.com/william-narvaez/instalacion
Project outline
Being a period of artistic residency, the project that I will propose will be focused on my personal interests by the natural landscape and its material states, where I usually make use of a certain minimalist character as to the color or supports I use, generating images that usually suggest some imperceptibility Of its formal and conceptual components, images that distract the content of the form giving the image an apparent strangeness product of the distance between the viewer and the information, to generate a deeper approach and some complicity with the image or History of the natural space.
Therefore, I want to know the atmosphere of the place of residence and its natural dynamics, as well as the poetic and literary history closely related to those circumstances of life where most of the year is cold and snow is a material in many artistic and cultural manifestations Regional, to build through the visual arts seemingly strange spaces that are actually components of the atmosphere that have always been or have existed but go unnoticed, that when put back into context, seem distant. Seeking to make visible other narratives, other cycles of life, sounds or poetic sensations of nature.
I am a collector by nature, whether of elements found in the natural space, as well as stories, poetry or ways of perceiving nature and what she unveils to me little by little, is this finally what I use when translating Their narratives and turn them into artistic objects. Transparency, monochrome, ghostly, light, delicate and fleeting are concepts that I try to trap again and again, try to make them last a little longer, always knowing that time will devour them.
The majority of my proposals to date use materials that do not last, which show the time and conditions of nature, the transformations and the constant rebirth of it. Also an archaeological search of the image, on the plane or space in the attempt to unveil the hidden, a kind of latent truth. On the one hand, I am from a country where snow never falls, so I can not make or design a project based on themes; On the other hand, artistic residences and living with new spaces always end up changing the whole project, which does not change are the personal concerns of the artist, who only adapt, take advantage of and potentiate through the encounter with other contexts and materials .
Because the research is not a pretentious investigation, knowing that they are only 8 weeks of work, it will be an experience of human recognition of the atmosphere taking advantage of materials and visual elements such as monochrome, transparencies, mountainous landscapes of sapporo , The white and the black, the minimal and other elements frequent in my visual investigations.