On the 21st of Feb, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio held the Art & Breakfast Day International and Boat’s workshop “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”.
This Art & Breakfast was special, because it was by Midori Mitamura who is its proponent. She also delivered her lecture about her works and Art & Breakfast. Additionally on the 20th and 21st, Art & Breakfast was held not only at Tenjinyama, but also in various spaces all over the world.
At Art & Breakfast, about 30 participants enjoyed many kinds of foods that they brought.
After breakfast, Midori Mitamura delivered her lecture. Particularly interesting topics covered were that, though people tend to behave formally at dinner time, at breakfast they can communicate more casually, and while in other countries breakfast menus tend to be fixed and not have so much types, in Japan they have various kinds.
In the afternoon, Boat’s workshop was held, started with her lecture about her previous artworks series “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” which are made from foods, too. In the workshop, participants tried creating accessories with some beans and other materials. Each of their works was beautiful. Finally, they ate Oshiruko, which is made from sweet red beans; some of the beans were also used in making the accessories.
The winter residence program finished at the end of the day. We, the Tenjinyama staff really appreciate the efforts of the people who cooperated with the artists for research, the volunteer staff, and the visitors to final presentation!
Other artists are still working at the Tenjinyama Art Studio, so if you are interested in them, want to play table tennis (Yes, we have table set up to play it!), want to read books related to the arts (Yes, we have many books and a Kotatsu that is a Japanese traditional table with heater ! ), come to Tenjinyama!
Photo by Yoshisato Komaki
この日は、招聘アーティストの潘 逸舟さんとBoat Xiaochuan ZHANG (ボート・シャオチュアン・チャン)の作品展示があったほか、札幌彫刻美術館の学芸員、樋泉綾子さんを聞き手にお招きしてのギャラリートーク、Ina KWON(イナ・クウォン)のレクチャー・パフォーマンスが実施されました。
潘さんの映像作品をトーク参加者全員で鑑賞。作品は2作品有りましたが、この写真のものは複数名の人物が誰かの足跡をたどりながら歩いていく映像作品「Behind of Someone」。自分たちの歩いている道は誰かが歩いて作っていた道であること、足跡の交差点では自分の意志で行き先を決めているのと同時に、それもすでに誰かの歩んだ道をたどっていること等を色々と考えさせられる、シンプルで力強い作品でした。
On the 20th and 21st of Feb., Tenjinyama Art Studio held the final presentation of their winter residence program.
On the 20th, many visitors participated in a gallery talk with Ayako Hizumi, a curator in “Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo,” and Ina’s lecture & performance.
Boat, who had gathered snow from various places to sell while traveling around Hokkaido, exhibited archives of her “snow selling performance” and her snow products with their wrapping bags. In her gallery talk, she explained the view that Chinese have of Hokkaido, sales, and advertising; they are an important part of the concepts of her works.
Han created two video works in this program, which are simple, but have strong messages. An image on this article is a photo of one of them, “Behind of Someone”. I felt from it that the road I’m walking on was already created by someone, or even I chose another direction at the crossroads, thinking that it was my own way that I definitely chose, but actually it was created by others.
Ina researched for The 1972 Sapporo Olympic Games, where she visited Okurayama, a man familiar with The Sapporo Olympics. She showed the results of her research in her performance, using projections, photos, maps on paper, and a torch.
Additionally, Oburoshiki sliding was held outside. Lots of participants enjoyed sliding down on a hill behind the Art Studio. Because the ground was covered with snow, people with Oburoshiki on the hill looked like they were floating!
Photo by Yoshisato Komaki
On the 11th Feb., Ina and Han, who are artists of the “Artist in Residence Program” in winter 2016, visited Moerenuma Park and Ishikari Bay to research and shoot photos and videos. It was a good day to visit, because everything was covered with fresh snow which had fallen heavily on the previous day.
Ina, who is interested in artificial mountains, photographed Moereyama in Moerenuma Park, while children enjoyed sledding down from the top of the mountain.
Han shot some videos for his art work.
The final presentation of this residence program is this weekend, on the 20th and 21st of Feb.
Get details of the events from the following URL and join us!!
2月14日15:00〜17:00、狸小路6丁目にてさっぽろ冬のバカンス2016招聘アーティストのBoat Xiaochuan ZHANG (ボート・シャオチュアン・チャン)の雪売りのパフォーマンスが実施されました。

On the 14th of Feb., Boat delivered her performance “Hokkaido Snow Selling” in the 6th block of the Tanukikoji shopping mall.
At the performance, She sold some snow which she had gathered from around Hokkaido, as sourvenirs to tourists.
The snow was sold in two sizes of bottle. The smaller bottles on the left side of the 2nd photo were a hundred yen each and there were twenty-four kinds differentiated by where they were gathered.
On the other hand, bigger ones next to the blue box had 12 types and their prices were several thousand yen, depending on how special the place or the moment they were gathered at was. For instance, one of them was “Chinese New Year Eve Snow/ Midnight Snow”; the Chinese have a custom where they have special dinner with their extended family on the day prior to the new year seasons, wishing for happiness. It’s a similar custom to Japanese new years eve “Omisoka” on the 31st of Dec.
Some passers by stopped in front of her stall as they noticed the artificial voice used for her advertisement which she had made on her PC. As they bought the snow, the snow was handed to them in a light blue bag with a Hokkaido stamp mark and an information sticker about the snow product, which making it more like a Hokkaido souvenir.
This performance was for Chinese, who came to Sapporo during their Chinese new year holidays. However, no one purchased the snow though some of them were actually interested in it. Finally other asian people and artists from Tenjinyama purchased them. According to Boat, Chisene are more interested in useful things…
On 2nd February, we held Sapporo research tour, residence program artists visited to Sapporo Art Park Museum and Sapporo Winter Sports Museum.
They enjoyed the exhibition “Motion-Emotion Invigorated City ” at Sapporo Art Park Museum in which all of art works exhibited are created by artists who work in Hokkaido mainly.
They also tried “Kanjiki walk” there. Kanjiki is a kind of traditional snow shoes made from bamboo, worn to walk on deep snow efficiently. The unique way to wear them was complicating, but they enjoyed the texture of snow with them.
In the afternoon, they visited to Okurayama ski jump stadium and Sapporo Winter Sports Museum. In particular, Ina researched there studiously as her project is focusing on Sapporo Olympic 1972.
Lastly, they played some winter sport simulators in the museum excitedly!
The research tour was a good opportunity for the artists to know about Sapporo deeply through ark works, snow, and traces of Sapporo Olympic. We are really looking forward to their activities during this residence program!
<招聘アーティスト プロフィール>
1/31~2/21にかけ行われる「Artist in Residence Program 2016 WINTER/さっぽろ冬のバカンス2016」において「冬・雪・都市」をテーマに3名のアーティストが活動していきます。
Boat Xiaochuan ZHANG 张小船 ボート・シャオチュアン・チャン
主な活動歴:「Breakfast at Tiffany’s」The Bazer Compatible Program/上海、「Find Wukong/ Understanding of Emptiness」Shanghai Urban Space Festival/上海、「A River Before 1958-Other History Same-Same Shanghai & Mumbai」上海、レジデンスなど。

“I Feel Your Pain”(2013-2015)
Ishu HAN 潘 逸舟 イシュ・ハン
主な活動歴:「存在を支配するもの」高架下スタジオ Site-A ギャラリー(黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター)/横浜、「隣り合う記憶」international studio & curatorial program / US,「In the Wake」ボストン美術館 / US、ACC(アジアンカルチュラルカウンシル)受賞など。

“アヒルの毛を雪の大地に蒔く“(2008)©Ishu Han
Ina KWON イナ・クウォン
主な活動歴:「Das mobile Landschaftsatelier」Kunsthaus Dresden/ドレスデン、「NANJI TANKS」SeMA Nanji Gallery/ソウル、「trans2012_13」秋吉台国際芸術村 AIAV/山口など。

“Stairway to Heaven”(2014)
Photographed by Tomoyuki Kishino
黒田 大祐リポート
<黒田大祐 – Daisuke Kuroda>
1982年、京都府生まれ。広島在住。広島市立大学大学院卒業。橋本平八「石に就て」の研究で博士号取得。主な個展「ばんじいしころ」(旧日本銀行広島支店、広島、2014)、主なグループ展に「対島アートファンタジア2014」(厳原町周辺、長崎、2014)、 横浜トリエンナーレ2014連携企画「東アジアの夢」(BankART1929、横浜、2014)。
※国際公募で選ばれた3名のアーティストのうち、来日予定であったPei-Ju Yehが本人の事情により不参加となったため、急遽次点の黒田大祐氏が参加となりました。
<Comment from guest coordinator Fumi Saito>
Japan based Kuroda visited Hokkaido for the first time. He interviewed people living in Sapporo as well as doing research and fieldwork. Kuroda developed a work in which he interviewed snow, titled “Asking the Snow of Sapporo Video( 15min ) 2015”, and a work in which local residents became snow and interview responses, titled “The Snow of Sapporo Speaks Snow, audio 2015” . A series of interviews were carried out with snow, which is usually silent. In the work “Landscape (Sapporo)”, he made drawings of yeddo spruce and apple trees by breathing air over a cut out sheet placed on a cold window.
‘Humans and snow’ and ‘fiction and nonficton’. Themes of the artificial and nature expressed through humour.
Translated by &MOON
Weng Nam Yap’s Report
I enjoyed a lot. This is my first residence program, everything to me is kind of fresh experience because my profession is a graphic designer, usually I work under a brief or solving problems from client, and somehow this residence program provides me a chance and space to have fun with the project, and somehow actually I am here without knowing too much about the art residence and Sapporo, so I am here without stress and enjoy the time creating something freely. People here are nice, and got great help from them for making the work happened, also enjoyed their prepared program like talks, workshops, little trips at Sapporo, and meeting different artists.
Sapporo is actually ‘sexy’ to me, I like the fact that the nature is close to the city, the mountain, the sea, and the snow has somehow beautifully made up Sapporo or Hokkaido an attractive image to me. But sometimes can be too cold for people like me from a warm country. And Tenjinyama to me is a good place for artists who need a silent place for research and art projects, I can focus very much here and surrounded by the green (but now covered by snow).
I experience more about snow, at least a bit serious, even though I have experienced it previously. The theme of the residence program, the environment, and the workshops make me think more about the snow, because people here has a real deal with snow in Sapporo. The residency is a bit short, there is some challenge, but I am happy to see the work finished at some point and exhibited at the end, at the same time it’s interesting to see how other artists create their work, it can be progressive too sometimes especially in a short period, I noticed.

Photographed by Tomoyuki Kishino
<Weng Nam Yap – ウェンナム・ヤップ>
1986年、クアラルンプール(マレーシア)生まれ。グラフィックデザイナー/メディアアーティスト。日常よく目にするモノや状況に新たな視点を与え、問い続けるような作品を制作している。 ゴグボット・フェスティバル・ヤングブラッド・アワード(2012)、ヨーロッパ・デザイン・アワード(2014)入賞。イタリア、スイス、台湾など、数多くのフェスティバルに招待されるなど、その才能は国際的に評価されている。
<Comment from guest coordinator Fumi Saito>
The artist started his research by trying to “listen to the sound of Sapporo”. Sounds of a water drop from an icicle, shoe soles stepping in the snow and the quietness of a white snowy night.
He also learned how people in Sapporo live with the snow. For example, snow builds up about five meters throughout the year and there are problems removing it. Most adults find the snow problematic yet the children love it.
Snow falls and is visible to us for a short time but drifts away in the end as if problems are melting away. The artist who comes from a country where snow never falls, shared fragments of his conversations with snow with humour and sensitivity.
Translated by &MOON
Helí García’s Report
I will always remember those strange days I spent trying to make “the biggest snowball ever” with the help of Japanese people. Based on the idea of overcoming the snow by means of the play, my proposal was a process-based project as a reflection on nature, human being and art. The process was fun, frustrating, moving, hard, painful, inspiring, lonely, social and exciting at once.
My project needed interaction with people and I must confess that when I arrived was a little bit surprised by the location of the builtding, a little bit isolated in the neighbourhood. However, after some days I realized there were actually people ready to go up to the centre quite often, thanks to scheduled talks and workshops
Sincerely, I could not comment any negative aspect of my stay in Tenjinyama Art Studio. Facilities, staff and services seem just perfect to me. I believe this experience will have a huge influence on my next work as an artist. However, I am sure the most important present I have taken home is the chance to meet people there. The ones who run the Studio and the Program invite resident artists and local people to join a friendly, generous, collaborative, free and hard-working atmosphere. This is what makes Tenjinyama Art Studio an excellent place to research, create and evolve.
この先ずっと、あの奇妙な日々を思い出すと思います。私が”The biggest snowball ever”(史上最大の雪玉)を日本のみんなに手伝ってもらいながら作ろうとした日々。雪で遊ぶことで雪を乗り越える、というアイデアをベースにした私の提案は、自然と人間とアートについて反映させた、プロセス(過程)に重きを置いたプロジェクトでした。その過程は、面白くて、イライラして、感動的で、大変で、痛くて、ハッとしたり、孤独で、社会的で、そしてエキサイティングでした。
<Helí García ‐ ヘリー・ガルシア>
1983、グラナダ(スペイン)生まれ。グラナダ大学およびポズナン美術大学(ポーランド)卒業後、作家として制作を始める。 絵画を中心に、その他の表現領域にも一貫した芸術姿勢で取り組む。素材に直接手を加えて生まれる作品は、パーソナルかつグローバルな両面を持ち、そこから表現者としての個人と社会や自然との関わりが浮かび上がる。
今回の滞在では、“Overcome snow”(雪を乗り越える)をテーマにプロジェクトを実施。雪に打ち勝つ最良の方法は、それを楽しみに変えてしまうこと、つまり「雪で遊ぶこと」。世界記録に迫る巨大な雪玉を作ることで「雪で遊ぶこと」を実践しようと試みました。
<Comment from guest coordinator Fumi Saito>
Garcia developed a project on the theme of “Overcome snow”. The best way to overcome snow is to make it fun, or in other words to “play with snow”. He put the “play with snow” idea into practice by trying to make the world’s biggest snowball.
Visiting Japan for the first time, the artist encountered many surprises and new discoveries. The similarity to the artist ofJapanese faces was one of these surprises. Garcia gained inspiration from this experience and repeatedly drew the faces of acouple.
Also, there were many events that were beyond his expectations. Due to the low humidity, Snow in Sapporo is dry and smooth and it is not easy to make a snowball. Garcia took on the challenge of making a snowball by getting help and advice from various people. According to the Bible, God created the earth in seven days. Garcia also made a round snow ball in seven days (However, the snow ball could not be rolled on the seventh day).
Garcia used painting and video to document the creation process of his project and these were shown at Tenjinyama Art studio as an installation work.