Figuratively speaking
イギリスから来ているライターのDide、今回は恋人のTobiasと11/29までの滞在です。哲学小説と詩を書いている彼女はドイツ語、トルコ語など6カ国語を話し、他に作曲なども行うそうです。Tobiasは彫刻家で、今回は二人のコラボレーションとして天神山で詩と彫刻の展覧会「Figuratively Speaking 」を開きます。会期は11/20~11/27。ご期待ください。
A writer Dide from England. With her boy friend Tobias she will stay until 11/29. She writes philosophical fiction and poem. She can speak six languages and does composing. Tobias is a sculptor. At Tenjinyama they are going to hold an exhibition “Figuratively speaking” in collaboration. Event term is from 11/20 until 11/27.
先日の天神山文化祭で行われていた冨田哲司さんによる子供向けのワークショップZigzag Nobile https://a-magazine.org/art-11-zigzag-nobile/ が、スペインのアートエデュケーションマガジン Amag!にて紹介されました。
このワークショプは神道で用いられる「紙垂」から発想した。紙垂は稲妻の形に由来する。雷が鳴る と稲がよく育つことから、豊穣の願いであり、邪悪なものを追い払うとされている。それは自然物や 聖なるものに飾られる。時には柱と屋根もない目には見えない聖域を意味する。建築とは目に見える ハードウェアではない。同じ条件の構造であっても建築はそれぞれに違った性格を持つ。なぜなら、 何者かがそこで人生を生きており、いい建築とは常に対話を促し、創造力を刺激するのである。
ふといせんのところをきって かみを てんせんのところでおって いくと じぐざぐに どんどんのびてゆく。
おもいうかべた えをかいてみよう。
For participating to a group exhibition in Chi ka ho, an artist Maiko Jinushi stayed Tenjin. Her portfolio site is here http://maikojinushi.com/
This Exhibition will be holding until 12/4.
For participating to a group exhibition in Chi ka ho, an artist Satosh Murakami stayed Tenjin. His portfolio site is here http://satoshimurakami.net/
This photo is Murakami installing. Apparently these are fragmental documents of living by moving house.
His major was architecture in collage. Also this work appears his background.
This Exhibition will be holding until 12/4.
現代社会版にアレンジされた「リア王」。寺山修司作品を主に演じている劇団「風蝕異人街」による公演です。公演情報はこちらから。 https://ja.fievent.com/e/in/4599964
A bandoneon player Kimiyo Ogawa stays Tenjin until 11/. This stay is for staging in William Shakespear ‘s “King Lear” on 11/4,11/5. The ten songs for this stage were newly written songs actually. She wrote on her blog her trying like “Always there is only memorizing musical scores in my mind”. A bandoneon looks little like an accordion though, it is a completely different instrument. In Japan, beside in Sapporo, listening its sound is rare.
They arrange this King Lear for modern society. Theatre company is 「風蝕異人街」that mainly stages works of Syuji Terayama. Booking information is here https://ja.fievent.com/e/in/4599964
イギリスから来ている若き彫刻家Tobias Ford、11月27日までの滞在です。今回はパートナーでライターのDideと一緒の滞在で、詩と彫刻のコラボレーションを考えていると言っています。
今年度に入ってもう半年が経ちますが、彫刻家の滞在者は初めてです。今行かずしていつ行くのか、と無数の彫刻が立ち並ぶ「芸術の森 野外美術館」を訪ねてみました。紅葉も盛りの野外美術館、11/3には今期の営業を終えることになります。
Young sculptor Tobias Ford from England stays Tenjin until 11/27. This time is with his partner Dide who is a writer. They are going to hold an exhibition by poems and sculpture works.
He usually uses metal material and does welding. But in Sapporo there is no public studio for metal craft, and so he also plans to use wood or plaster. Tough this fiscal year has been over a half year already, he is first sculptor. It’s the time to go. So we went Sculpture Museum of Sapporo Art Park. The museum is in a peak of autumn colour. This outside sculpture park will close on 11/3.
イギリスのライター、Paul Bradley-Congが11/8まで滞在中です。自分は第一に小説家、とのことですが、他にも脚本、そして短編や詩、フラッシュフィクションなども手がけているそうです。札幌市内をあちこち回りながら、小説の初稿完成に向けて執筆を続けている様子です。
A writer Paul Bradley-Cong form England stays Tenjin ntil 11/8. He said “As a writer, I am primarily a novelist though, I do play with other forms of creative writing such as short stories, poetry and flash fiction”. He is walking around the city and keeps writing to complete a draft of current his work.
札幌出身の日本を代表する振付家、ダンサーの平原さんが滞在中です。平原さんは10/26~10/29にターミナルプラザことにパトスで行われるField noteコンテンポラリーダンス公演「Room Service」の芸術監督を努めます。
平原さんのダンスカンパニー Organ Works http://theorganworks.com/
One of the best choreographer, dancer in Japan Shintaro Hirahara who originally from Sapporo stays Tenjin. He is going to carry artistic director of the stage “Room Service” which will stage 10/26~10/29 at Kotoni Patos.
While his last stay in Tenjin, I’ve seen to his stage that was set in a temple “地獄変(Hell Screen)” originally written by a famous novelist Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Unusual tense atmosphere, speed, that stage was really amazing. This would be a recommendation definitely.
information http://blog.livedoor.jp/concari/archives/52052598.html
His own dance company “Organ Works”. http://theorganworks.com/
And a promotion of this project came up on YouTube.
山崎さんのポートフォリオサイトはこちらです。 http://amingerz.wixsite.com/ami-yamasaki
Until 10/23, Ami Yamasaki who use voice and sound as material stays Tenjin. This time is for an art project series “Otodoke Art” (It means “Sending Art”) that artists are sent as a student to elementary schools. She brought many special sound gadgets. This unknown object in which even coordinator Ryotaro Kobayashi looks very interested is “omni-directional speaker”. A normal speaker converts sound forward certain direction. On the contrary, this speaker can convert sound for 360° equal direction. The explanation in text may not be imagined well. But when I’ve heard in real, sounds have been felt from exactly everywhere. Or, it was just like sound from nowhere. She chose a song Criminal by Michael Jackson to test. Any way, what is this light and what kind of system does it work in this all about? It must not just a electron tube. Since also this face it made our feeling bit high.
Her portfolio site is here http://amingerz.wixsite.com/ami-yamasaki