滞在中のYarrington Zachは札幌の姉妹都市、アメリカのポートランドから来ているアーティスト、デザイナーです。彼のWEBサイトはこちら http://zachyarrington.com/
展示の詳細は追って投稿しますので、お待ちください。500美術館 http://500m.jp/map
A visiting artist designer Yarrington Zach in Tenjin is from Portland which is one of the sister cities of Sapporo. His web site is here. http://zachyarrington.com/
His overall is covered with colors and he goes well with it. And no wonder, in his portfolio he does lots of huge work like mural. This time he is an invited artist for 500m museum of Sapporo.
We will post the detail of exhibition soon. http://500m.jp/map