2016年02月14日 Creative activityEventsResident
2月14日15:00〜17:00、狸小路6丁目にてさっぽろ冬のバカンス2016招聘アーティストのBoat Xiaochuan ZHANG (ボート・シャオチュアン・チャン)の雪売りのパフォーマンスが実施されました。
On the 14th of Feb., Boat delivered her performance “Hokkaido Snow Selling” in the 6th block of the Tanukikoji shopping mall.
At the performance, She sold some snow which she had gathered from around Hokkaido, as sourvenirs to tourists.
The snow was sold in two sizes of bottle. The smaller bottles on the left side of the 2nd photo were a hundred yen each and there were twenty-four kinds differentiated by where they were gathered.
On the other hand, bigger ones next to the blue box had 12 types and their prices were several thousand yen, depending on how special the place or the moment they were gathered at was. For instance, one of them was “Chinese New Year Eve Snow/ Midnight Snow”; the Chinese have a custom where they have special dinner with their extended family on the day prior to the new year seasons, wishing for happiness. It’s a similar custom to Japanese new years eve “Omisoka” on the 31st of Dec.
Some passers by stopped in front of her stall as they noticed the artificial voice used for her advertisement which she had made on her PC. As they bought the snow, the snow was handed to them in a light blue bag with a Hokkaido stamp mark and an information sticker about the snow product, which making it more like a Hokkaido souvenir.
This performance was for Chinese, who came to Sapporo during their Chinese new year holidays. However, no one purchased the snow though some of them were actually interested in it. Finally other asian people and artists from Tenjinyama purchased them. According to Boat, Chisene are more interested in useful things…