2016年10月22日 滞在者紹介
滞在中のYarrington Zachは札幌の姉妹都市、アメリカのポートランドから来ているアーティスト、デザイナーです。彼のWEBサイトはこちら http://zachyarrington.com/
展示の詳細は追って投稿しますので、お待ちください。500美術館 http://500m.jp/map
A visiting artist designer Yarrington Zach in Tenjin is from Portland which is one of the sister cities of Sapporo. His web site is here. http://zachyarrington.com/
His overall is covered with colors and he goes well with it. And no wonder, in his portfolio he does lots of huge work like mural. This time he is an invited artist for 500m museum of Sapporo.
We will post the detail of exhibition soon. http://500m.jp/map
2016年10月22日 創作活動滞在者紹介
札幌出身の日本を代表する振付家、ダンサーの平原さんが滞在中です。平原さんは10/26~10/29にターミナルプラザことにパトスで行われるField noteコンテンポラリーダンス公演「Room Service」の芸術監督を努めます。
平原さんのダンスカンパニー Organ Works http://theorganworks.com/
One of the best choreographer, dancer in Japan Shintaro Hirahara who originally from Sapporo stays Tenjin. He is going to carry artistic director of the stage “Room Service” which will stage 10/26~10/29 at Kotoni Patos.
While his last stay in Tenjin, I’ve seen to his stage that was set in a temple “地獄変(Hell Screen)” originally written by a famous novelist Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Unusual tense atmosphere, speed, that stage was really amazing. This would be a recommendation definitely.
information http://blog.livedoor.jp/concari/archives/52052598.html
His own dance company “Organ Works”. http://theorganworks.com/
And a promotion of this project came up on YouTube.
2016年10月22日 創作活動滞在アーティストと市民の交流企画滞在者紹介
山崎さんのポートフォリオサイトはこちらです。 http://amingerz.wixsite.com/ami-yamasaki
Until 10/23, Ami Yamasaki who use voice and sound as material stays Tenjin. This time is for an art project series “Otodoke Art” (It means “Sending Art”) that artists are sent as a student to elementary schools. She brought many special sound gadgets. This unknown object in which even coordinator Ryotaro Kobayashi looks very interested is “omni-directional speaker”. A normal speaker converts sound forward certain direction. On the contrary, this speaker can convert sound for 360° equal direction. The explanation in text may not be imagined well. But when I’ve heard in real, sounds have been felt from exactly everywhere. Or, it was just like sound from nowhere. She chose a song Criminal by Michael Jackson to test. Any way, what is this light and what kind of system does it work in this all about? It must not just a electron tube. Since also this face it made our feeling bit high.
Her portfolio site is here http://amingerz.wixsite.com/ami-yamasaki