2017年01月4日 創作活動滞在アーティストと市民の交流企画滞在者紹介
12/21~12/27にかけ、カナダのアーティストMathieu GagnonとMathilde Forestが滞在しました。
12/21~12/27, Canadian artists Mathieu Gagnon and Mathilde Forest were staying Tenjin.
Their portfolio site is here http://gagnon-forest.tumblr.com/
They held an exhibition in Tenjin of which works were took in Kyoto while last two months. They finished those works at here. After staying in Tenjin they are going to go to Akan, east Hokkaido to do research about Ainu.
Through their current works they feature abandoned buildings as photography. Then on those photography they synthesize drawing illustrations which episodes based on research with local people and local materials. By those works they show how these tangible/intangible heritages are going to be.