2018年11月5日 Resident未分類 @en
Dear all applicants,
Thank you very much for your interest to apply for Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio_2018-2019 s(k)now, Artist-in-Residence Program. We are pleased to announce the following artists who have been selected. This year, we received 236 applications for the 3 open call programs. The artists will arrive in Japan on January 5th (Sat) and participate in the Artist-in-Residence program till March 5th (Tue), 2019 (60 days).
Finalists /Alvin Luong ( Canada), Sam Treadaway (UK)
Artist in School Program (43 applicants)
Madhu Das (India)
Finalists / McCloud Zicmuse (USA, Belgium) , Michael Smith-Welch (USA)
UCCN Program (42 applicants)
François Lemieux (Tronto / Canada)
Constance & Alexander Hinfray (Linz /Austria)
Finalists / Felippe Moraes (Brazilian/Portuguese)
The final selection has been made by
SHIMABUKU (Artist), Soichiro Mihara (Artist), Takayuki Yamamoto (Artist) and Mami Odai (Director, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio)
2018年11月5日 冬の国際公募プログラム滞在者紹介
Dear all applicants,
Thank you very much for your interest to apply for Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio_2018-2019 s(k)now, Artist-in-Residence Program. We are pleased to announce the following artists who have been selected. This year, we received 236 applications for the 3 open call programs. The artists will arrive in Japan on January 5th (Sat) and participate in the Artist-in-Residence program till March 5th (Tue), 2019 (60 days).
Finalists /Alvin Luong ( Canada), Sam Treadaway (UK)
Artist in School Program (43 applicants)
Madhu Das (India)
Finalists / McCloud Zicmuse (USA, Belgium) , Michael Smith-Welch (USA)
UCCN Program (42 applicants)
François Lemieux (Tronto / Canada)
Constance & Alexander Hinfray (Linz /Austria)
Finalists / Felippe Moraes (Brazilian/Portuguese)
The final selection has been made by
SHIMABUKU (Artist), Soichiro Mihara (Artist), Takayuki Yamamoto (Artist) and Mami Odai (Director, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio)