- 日時
- 2017年7月07日 0:00 〜 2017年7月13日 0:00
- イベント名
- フェリペ・マルチネス/Felipe R. Martinez ECHO
- 内容
『 ECHO 』
※ 休館日:7月10日(月)
オープニング 7月7日7時(19時)
ECHO: Noun [ C ] /ˈ ek·oʊ /
“a lingering trace or effect”
“a sympathetic response to sentiments expressed”.
This exhibition is made up of pieces created between 2013-2017 as an audiovisual response to ineludible impressions inspired by the art of musicians and dancers in Japan & SouthAmerica.
This works were also made as an attempt to sketch the ineffable moments of their art and its context on space and time when it happened, but since is just the reflection of light and sound of the original moment over my recorders I think is proper to call it as what they are: An “Echo”.
ECHO: 加算名詞/発音 ˈ ek·oʊ /
Felipe R. Martinez
F I L M M A K E R & W R I T E R (Chile, 1985).
World History & Asian Studies. Pontifical University of Chile.
Filmmaking & Writing. International Film School of Cuba.
The persistence of emotion after oblivion and the constant movement between cultures can define the main topics of Felipe´s work. His works transit between documentary & video-art elements, as well as photography and literature.Techniques are but means for searching veiled poetic elements within reality.Living into a semi-nomadic existence, he has spent last years of his life working in Cuba, Mexico, Japan and, more recently, China. His pieces had been shown at film festivals and art galleries in Asia, Europe & South-America. Felipe is currently editing his brand new film “A Jazz Punk Story” a full-length documentary around Japan, Jazz, Chile, Punk and, overall, the unclouded human communication through the means of music and culture.
フィルムメイカー&ライター (チリ、1985年生まれ)
教皇立チリ大学 世界史、アジア学
キューバ国際フィルムスクール 映像、執筆