2016年11月4日 創作活動滞在者紹介
現代社会版にアレンジされた「リア王」。寺山修司作品を主に演じている劇団「風蝕異人街」による公演です。公演情報はこちらから。 https://ja.fievent.com/e/in/4599964
A bandoneon player Kimiyo Ogawa stays Tenjin until 11/. This stay is for staging in William Shakespear ‘s “King Lear” on 11/4,11/5. The ten songs for this stage were newly written songs actually. She wrote on her blog her trying like “Always there is only memorizing musical scores in my mind”. A bandoneon looks little like an accordion though, it is a completely different instrument. In Japan, beside in Sapporo, listening its sound is rare.
They arrange this King Lear for modern society. Theatre company is 「風蝕異人街」that mainly stages works of Syuji Terayama. Booking information is here https://ja.fievent.com/e/in/4599964
2016年10月27日 滞在者紹介
A familiar theatre actor Yu Fujimoto stays Tenjin until 11/1. This time is for 10 years universally stage of Con Carino where is the one biggest theatre in Sapporo. He dyed his hair gold, and so I asked him to make face little like a bad guy. We staff go to stage on 30. Wait a while incoming report.
Con Carino http://www.concarino.or.jp/10th/